On November 10th 2014, John Jay College and Tina Brown Live Media hosted the inaugural American Justice Summit, a series of panels and conversations that explored the personal, social, and financial inequities of a prison system that currently incarcerates over 2.3 million Americans. As part of this collaboration, John Jay College staff conducted structured interviews with 53 Summit participants and audience members, and produced a white paper summarizing these respondents' consensus positions on criminal justice policy and the need for reform. This white paper was published as Moving the Needle on Justice Reform: A Report on the American Justice Summit 2014, available for download on the John Jay College website, and featured multimedia links to video clips excerpted from participant interviews. Many of those clips are compiled below.

Eric Harmon
Judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles
Glenn Martin
Founder and President
Dorsey Nunn
Executive Director
All of Us or None
Johnny Perez
Safe Reentry Mental Health Advocate
Urban Justice Center
Jeffrey Toobin
Staff Writer
The New Yorker
Senior Legal Analyst CNN
Tyrone Werts
Co-Founder and Director
The End Crime Project