Fall 2012 Contents
Marjorie Power First Time for Everything
Evan Morgan Williams Giveaway (read excerpt)
Roger Sedarat The Iran Job Haji as Post-Colonizer
Ace Boggess Before Prison (read)
Alexis Ivy Dear Owner of the Wonder Bar,
Vance Voyles He Said, He Said
Lauren Camp How I’d Explain What Kind of Mother She Was
Erik La Prade Tea Drunk
Steven Matthew Brown Dirty Old Gentleman, an open letter
Laurie Lamon No Census
Octavio Quintanilla Influx (read)
Ciudad Juárez
Shae Savoy A Scenic View

Paul Hadella Blowfish
Marielle van Uitert At the Border
John Lawson Penalty
William Palmer Everything Is Growing
J. E. Robinson Flood Plain
Marianne Villanueva Magellan’s Mirror (read excerpt)
Deborah Flanagan The Prison Cook Prepares The Last Supper
Nathan E. White Witness
Sarah Katharina Kayss Aide-memoire
Thomas Fuchs Matt
Sheryl L. Nelms Kidnapped, Raped and Murdered Drunk Driving
Judith Skillman Estrangement (read)
Emmy Pérez Left after crossing
Alison Ruth Horses to Look At (read excerpt)
Deborah Gang Weimar Republic


Fiction by Joyce Goldenstern, Brady Harrison, TR Poulson, Christopher Urban, and Dina Cox.

Poems by Pamela Morneault Gemme, Stephen Gibson, Michael Graves, Lakisha Jackson, Kristin G. Kelly, Amasa Larkins, Irene Mitchell, Bob Monson, darlene anita scott, and Paula Yup.

Nonfiction from Cynthia Cupe, Erika Dreifus, and Vance Voyles.

  • Erika Dreifus -
    My Life as a Bully

  • Joyce GoldenStern -
    Massachussetts Murder Mystery


J Journal
Department of English
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
524 West 59th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10019