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New York, NY, July 7 , 2008 – Twenty-two of Arizona’s top Police Chiefs and Deputy Chiefs just completed an intensive 3-day Public Safety Executive Leadership Institute (June 24-26) conducted by John Jay’s Leadership Academy. Executive institutes are one component of the Leadership Academy.
“This program was an unequivocal success. These sessions afforded all participants an opportunity to sharpen their professional skills in responding to the increasingly complex public safety issues that they confront daily,” said Dr. Ellen Scrivner, Director of the John Jay Leadership Academy, who facilitated the three days of interactive learning dialogs, a signature activity of the Academy.
This executive institute is the first program offered by the Leadership Academy. Held in conjunction with the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University, West Campus, delivery of similar institutes has now been requested by public safety executives in two additional states.
The Public Safety Executive Institute is a unique national program designed solely for law enforcement leaders. Its curriculum focuses on the complex interaction of strategic, cultural and political processes and how their nexus influences the effectiveness of public safety leadership and critically impacts the direction of where a chief law enforcement executive plans to take an agency.
During the sessions in Phoenix, the participants engaged in interactive learning dialogs about real-world, real-time public safety leadership challenges and worked with faculty to solve multi-dimensional leadership problems. The program required that participants shift the focus from discrete management skills and tactical activities to that of seeing the “big picture” through action-learning experiences.
The faculty for the Arizona program included: Chief Darrel Stephens (Retired),Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department and former President of Major City Chiefs; Commissioner Paul Evans,(Retired) Boston Police Department; Commissioner Frank Straub, Commissioner of Public Safety, White Plains, New York; and George DeLama, former Managing Editor, Chicago Tribune.
About the John Jay Leadership Academy: Established in 2007, the Academy focuses exclusively on the practice of leadership in order to meet the leadership needs of an ever-more challenging world. Its mission is to develop next-generation leaders who populate a national community of practice dedicated to enhancing the safety of the public while promoting justice in a free society. It seeks to provide a global forum and professional study for public safety executive leadership from both the public and private security sectors.
About John Jay College of Criminal Justice: An international leader in educating for justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice of The City University of New York offers a rich liberal arts and professional studies curriculum to upwards of 14,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 135 nations. In teaching, scholarship and research, the College approaches justice as an applied art and science in service to society and as an ongoing conversation about fundamental human desires for fairness, equality and the rule of law. For more information, visit