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Professor Joshua Wilson Featured in Time Magazine Cover Story on State-Imposed Abortion Regulations

Joshua Wilson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science, was quoted in the recent Time magazine cover story titled “What Choice?” on the growing restrictions on abortion in the United States. Professor Wilson comments on the strategies used by pro-life groups. The article mentions his upcoming book, The Street Politics of Abortion.

Professor Wilson is an Assistant Professor of Political Science. He received a PhD in Jurisprudence and Social Policy from the University of California, Berkeley. His academic interests are found at the intersection of law, politics, and society. His research concerns the varying abilities of political and social movements to use law—broadly defined—in the pursuit of political ends. Portions of his work have been published in Law & Society Review, Law & Social Inquiry, and Studies in Law, Politics, & Society. His current projects focus on Christian law schools, as well as anti-abortion protest regulation.

For an excerpt of the cover story, click here.

Below is the section in the article that references Professor Wilson:

Then, in the 1980s and ‘90s, as pro-life protesters were dragged to court over their activism at abortion clinics –blockading entrances, “counseling” patients seeking abortions and occasionally resorting to violence against doctors and staff –they slowly built a formidable legal apparatus that serves their cause today, says Joshua Wilson, an assistant professor of political science at John Jay College whose book The Street Politics of Abortion will be published this year. Of pro-life activist he says, “If they get laws on the books, great, because they have the legal resources to defend them when they’re challenged. It’s an integrated strategy that’s very impressive.”