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Adjunct Professor James Mulvaney’s Op-Ed on the Death of a Developmentally Disabled Man in Police Custody Published in the Washington Post

James Mulvaney, an adjunct professor in the Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration wrote an op-ed piece titled “Why Did Robert Ethan Saylor Die?” that was published in the Washington Post. The article examined the in-custody death of a disabled man in Maryland. Mulvaney highlighted the lack of training available for municipal law enforcement agencies to deal with developmentally disabled subjects. He also called attention to a flawed moonlighting policy that could lead to conflicts of interest for off-duty officers. 

To read the Washington Post op-ed, click here.

Adjunct Professor Mulvaney is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who has worked as a reporter, national and foreign correspondent and editor for publications such as Newsday, the Orange County (CA) Register and the New York Daily News. Mulvaney has worked as a consultant in the investigations, compliance and crisis management fields. He also served as Deputy Commissioner of External Relations for the New York State Division of Human Rights. He is a nationally recognized advocate in the autism community and has written frequently on issues related to people with disabilities.