Newsroom Archive


John Jay Faculty and Staff Raise Awareness About Stop and Frisk

City University of New York faculty and students recently held a press conference outside Federal District Court for the Southern District of New York where the trial  of Floyd, et. al. v City of New York was taking place to call for reforms to  the NYPD’s stop and frisk policies.

Participants, including John Jay Professor Delores Jones-Brown, offered insight on data that questions the efficacy of stop and frisk.
Students shared their experience with police stops and organizers underscored the importance of enhancing the public’s understanding of this controversial practice.

On another front, Professor Emeritus Eli Silverman testified at the Floyd trial about the study he conducted in which retired police indicated they felt pressured to conduct stop-and-frisks when they were on the job.

For coverage of the faculty and student press conference, visit:

To read the Daily News article on Professor Silverman’s testimony, click here.

For more information, contact:
Vivian Todini, Executive Director of Marketing and Communications, 212.237.8628
Mindy Bockstein, Executive Director for External Affairs