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Adjunct Professor James Mulvaney’s Op-Ed on a Recent Study that Recommends Armed Guards in All Schools Published in the Los Angeles Times

James Mulvaney, an adjunct professor in the Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration wrote an op-ed piece titled “The NRA's Off-Target Plan” that was published in the Los Angeles Times. In the article, Mulvaney examines the Nation Rifle Association-funded report that recommends putting armed guards or staff in every school.

To read the Los Angeles Times op-ed, click here.

Mulvaney is a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who has worked as a reporter, national and foreign correspondent and editor for publications such as Newsday, the Orange County (CA) Register and the New York Daily News. Mulvaney has worked as a consultant in the investigations, compliance and crisis management fields. He also served as Deputy Commissioner of External Relations for the New York State Division of Human Rights. He is a nationally recognized advocate in the autism community and has written frequently on issues related to people with disabilities.