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Listen to Professor Anthony Carpi Discuss the Lethal Properties of Ricin with the BBC World Service

Professor Anthony Carpi in the Department of Sciences and Interim Associate Provost for Research Advancement discussed on BBC Newshour the deadly extract from the caster bean plant, ricin, that was found in letters sent to President Obama and Senator Wicker.

Listen to Professor Carpi’s interview here. (The piece starts at minute 26:30.)

Professor Carpi is Professor of Environmental Chemistry at John Jay. His current research interests broadly focus on two categories: 1) the chemistry and transport of heavy metals, and especially mercury, in the environment; and 2) the teaching of scientific reasoning skills. His research includes a combination of laboratory and field studies to investigate these processes toward understanding the potential effects of global climate change on the environmental mercury cycle. And, he continues to develop resources to improve the teaching of science as a process of investigation, to promote understanding of how scientific advances are made, validated and interpreted, and to encourage the enjoyment of science learning in the classroom.