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Professor Maria Hartwig Quoted in Boston Magazine Article

Associate Professor Maria Hartwig in the Department of Psychology was quoted in an article in the July 2013 issue of the Boston Magazine entitled, “Emotions and Facial Expressions May Not Be Directly Related” by Lauren Fischer. The article discusses the growing scientific evidence that overthrows the old paradigm of emotion science which theorized the relationship between emotions and facial expressions was fixed and formulaic.

To read the article, click here.

Professor Hartwig has published surveys on beliefs about behavioral indicators of deception held by a variety of groups and she has conducted and published quasi-experimental and experimental research on interview and interrogation techniques and veracity assessments using a broad sample of lay people, legal professionals and prison inmates. She has also carried out extensive training of a variety of legal professionals, including prosecutors, judges, and police detectives. She is an editorial board member of Law and Human Behavior and Legal and Criminological Psychology, and an associate editor of the official newsletter of the American Psychology-Law Society. In 2008, she received an Early Career Award by the European Association for Psychology and Law for her contributions to psycholegal research.