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President Travis Named to Mayoral Transition Team

John Jay College President Jeremy Travis will be bringing his criminal justice experience and expertise to the incoming administration of Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio, as part of a 60-member transition committee announced on November 20.

De Blasio said President Travis and the other members of Transition NYC will help him “assemble a team that’s devoted to building one great city where everyone shares in our prosperity.” The transition team is co-chaired by Jennifer Jones Austin, president of the Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies, and Carl Weisbrod, founder of the New York City Economic Development Corporation.

“My charge to the transition team is to identify women and men from every part of our city and walk of life that share a commitment to progressive and competent city government,” said de Blasio. “They will be advising me based on their wealth of experience and knowledge of specific issue areas and government agencies.”

President Travis served as Director of the National Institute of Justice in the Clinton Administration and served as Deputy Commissioner for Legal Matters in the New York City Police Department, Special Counsel to Police Commissioner Benjamin Ward and Special Advisor to Mayor Ed Koch. He was also Executive Director of the New York City Criminal Justice Agency.