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Professor Evan Mandery’s Post in the Huffington Post Discusses Inequalities of Higher Education in the U.S.

Professor Evan Mandery in the Criminal Justice Department wrote a blog post for the College section of the Huffington Post that was featured on their front page for a week and continues to stimulate much attention and discussion. Mandery in the post titled, “Why I’m Skipping My Harvard Reunion (A Call to Action),” deconstructs the current climate of higher education in America. Although education was touted by American forefathers and foremothers as the great social equalizer, according to Mandery’s post the American education system is not living up to the democratic grandeur of its nascent vision.

He argues that college processes and programs actually work to inhibit equal access and increase racial and class inequality for students in the United States. He discusses the many ways race and class disparities in the classroom prevent students from experiencing the best, most open and enriching educational experience and offers suggestions for improved education models.

To read the full post click here.

Mandery recently published a New York Times Op-Ed on the inequality of college admission based on legacy in the U.S. To read the op-ed piece, click here.

Mandery, chair of John Jay’s Department of Criminal Justice, is a former capital litigator and is the author of 20 law review articles on the subject and a textbook currently in its second edition. His newest book, A Wild Justice: The Death and Resurrection of Capital Punishment in America, published by W.W. Norton, tells the story of America’s ambivalent relationship with capital punishment. He has also written three novels.