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John Jay’s MPA Programs Wins Prestigious NASPAA Awards for Diversity and Social Equity

John Jay College of Criminal Justice’s Master of Public Administration Programs have been selected as the winners of both the Diversity Award and the Social Equity Award by NASPAA –the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration. NASPAA is the recognized global accreditor of master's degree programs in these fields.

“This is a great honor that reaffirms our mission and underscores the talent and commitment of the John Jay faculty,” said President Jeremy Travis. “The increasing number of graduate students who choose to come to John Jay confirms the quality of the educational experience here.”

According to NASPAA, the Diversity Award and the Social Equity Award are “given to a public policy, affairs, or administration program that exemplifies the highest standards” in diversity and in social equity, through outstanding contributions in research, teaching and service by faculty and staff. Separate NASPAA committees reviewed applications for each category and selected John Jay’s MPA programs for each award.

John Jay College offers two Master of Public Administration Programs – a Public Policy and Administration (PPA) Program, that won the Diversity Award, and the Inspection and Oversight IO) Program that won the Social Equity Award. The MPA programs prepare students for careers in public agencies and independent organizations and for the study of public administration through scholarly and applied research and community service. The two programs, with one in Inspection and Oversight, set John Jay apart from those of other institutions. John Jay’s combined MPA programs are among the largest in the country.

Marilyn Rubin, the Director of the MPA-Policy and Administration Program (MPA-PPA), has been John Jay’s principle representative to NASPAA for several years. She says that “We are very excited about receiving this award that acknowledges our diversity efforts.” She notes that the MPA -PPA program is inspired and guided by John Jay College’s mission to “…foster an inclusive and diverse community drawn from our city, our country, and the world.”

Ned Benton, the Director of the MPA-Inspection and Oversight Program (MPA-IO) Program, told us that John Jay College is a special place with a unique MPA program – the MPA in Inspection and Oversight. He said that “both the field of inspection and oversight and the John Jay College MPA-IO Program seek to promote a fair, just and equitable distribution of public services and implementation of public policies.”

NASPAA is the membership organization of graduate education programs in public policy, public affairs, public administration, and public & nonprofit management. Its nearly 300 members - located across the U.S. and in 14 countries around the globe - award MPA, MPPand similar degrees.

About John Jay College of Criminal Justice: An international leader in educating for justice, John Jay College of Criminal Justice of The City University of New York offers a rich liberal arts and professional studies curriculum to upwards of 15,000 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 135 nations. In teaching, scholarship and research, the College approaches justice as an applied art and science in service to society and as an ongoing conversation about fundamental human desires for fairness, equality and the rule of law.