Newsroom Archive


Professor David Kennedy Writes on “Getting Beyond Ferguson” in Huffington Post

Professor David Kennedy, Director of the Center for Crime Prevention and Control, published a commentary in The Huffington Post on Nov. 20, in which he expounded the need for repairing “strained and often broken” relations between law enforcement and many communities. Kennedy focused on the newly formed National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice as an important and promising step toward achieving reconciliation and, ultimately, crime reduction. Click here to read the online article.

Professor Kennedy will lead a consortium of experts that includes Yale Law School, UCLA, and the Urban Institute to launch the National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice. The National Initiative, funded through a $4.75 million grant from the U.S. Department of Justice, is designed to improve relationships between, and especially, racial and ethnic minority communities and the police and other arms of the criminal justice system; and advance the scholarly understanding of, and the public conversation on, those issues.