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Ann Jacobs, Director of the Prisoner Reentry Institute, Quote in Mott Haven Herald

Ann Jacobs, Director of the Prisoner Reentry Institute at John Jay College, was quoted article in the Mott Haven Herald about a local farmer/entrepreneur’s not-for-profit business that provides families of inmates with low cost transportation from New York City to upstate prisons as well as fresh, affordable produce for their incarcerated relatives. “Maintaining ties with family members not only helps inmates cope with time in prison, it also helps former inmates overcome the painful process of reintegrating into society once they are released”, said Jacobs.

The Victory Bus Project offers inmates and their families the opportunity to remain connected or to re-connect by making visitation more affordable. The Project also helps to address the lack of nutritional food options in correctional facilities.

Click here to read “Entrepreneur Builds Bridges for Upstate Inmates” article.