Newsroom Archive
John Jay senior Mehdi Mahraoui, who is the Dreamers’ Club President, junior and Criminal Justice major Jairo Andres Lerma and Director of Research Operations and faculty advisor of the Dreamers’ Club Dan Stageman were featured in the Al Jazeera America article entitled, “Growing Up Undocumented.” The article examines the psycho-emotional instability and legal constrictions affiliated with being undocumented in the U.S.
“I think the bravery and eloquence of our Dreamers, as represented here by Mehdi, cannot be overstated. We are lucky to have Mehdi representing the John Jay Community as he does here, and his story makes clear what is at stake with the ID Initiative and the issues we are attempting to address,” said Stageman.
The full article can be read here.
For more information on the John Jay Dreamers Club and the college’s Fall 2013 Immigration and Deportation Initiative, click here.