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Department of Latin American and Latina/o Studies Featured in IUPLR’s El Noticero Publication

John Jay’s Department of Latin American and Latina/o Studies, and its chairman, Professor Lisandro Pérez, are front-page news in the latest quarterly edition of El Noticiero, the newsletter of the Inter-University Program for Latino Research (IUPLR) – national consortium of 30 university-based research centers and departments.

Pérez is the subject of an in-depth Q&A interview in the newsletter, in which he discusses the evolution of Latina/o studies at John Jay, the College’s standing as a Hispanic-serving institution, and larger sociopolitical issues affecting Hispanics, among other topics.

In April 2015, faculty members from the Department of Latin American and Latina/o Studies and selected students will play prominent roles in the annual IUPLR conference, to be held at the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind.

Click here to read the El Noticiero coverage.